State Auditor Jim Zeigler ‘considering’ 2020 U.S. Senate run

Of the names mentioned among the prospective Republican candidates for U.S. Senate in 2020, State Auditor Jim Zeigler has not generally been a part of the conversation.

However, in an interview that aired Friday on Alabama Public Television’s “Capitol Journal,” Zeigler said he had been approached about running for the seat presently held by Sen. Doug Jones (D-Mountain Brook).

Zeigler said he would make a decision “later” as to whether or not he will launch an “exploratory campaign.”

“My number one priority is of course to do the job as State Auditor, and I’ve been working on that all day even today,” Zeigler said. “It is flattering and I am considering these comments that people are making and praying about it. But it’s too early, and I’ll make a decision sometime later as to whether or not to do what’s called an exploratory campaign.”

Zeigler defeated Democrat Miranda Joseph in his general election bid for re-election earlier this month by a 60.5-to-39.5 percent margin. In 2014, he defeated Joseph by a 63-to-37 percent margin.

@Jeff_Poor is a graduate of Auburn University and is the editor of Breitbart TV.

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