Senate Minority Ldr Singleton: ‘Systemic racism’ exists at upper echelons of state government — ‘There’s just something inherently baked in’

Questions about so-called Critical Race Theory and whether or not it should be taught in Alabama’s public schools are causing some to take a closer look at racism and its existence in our nation’s sacred institutions.

During an appearance on Alabama Public Television’s “Capitol Journal,” State Senate Minority Leader Bobby Singleton (D-Greensboro) weighed in on Critical Race Theory taught in public schools by offering his observations of what he deemed systemic racism in state government.

According to Singleton, diversity is often overlooked by those at the top levels of state government, which he said was a product of “something inherently baked in.”

“Systemic racism is something that has been going on for a long time,” he said. “I agree — it is baked into our system. A lot of times, if you just look at committees around here — I could say tomorrow that we are going to have a committee, and we want minorities on it. If you give the Governor, the Pro-Tem, and whoever else the right to appoint, I could walk into the room with nine white men, and no one ever thought about putting someone black on the committee. That happens around here all the time. There’s just something inherently baked in.”

Singleton continued, “And then, I agree with it because they never think about it. Everybody says to them, ‘Oh, I’m sorry — we didn’t even think about it. I thought someone else was going to do it. And so, no one ever thought about being fair and making sure there is diversity at every level, even though we as minorities cry about that around here all the time until we continue to put our foot on it. And with that, I think we need to make sure that we address critical race issues in this state. And I’ve offered my colleagues — let’s sit down and let’s talk about it.”

@Jeff_Poor is a graduate of Auburn University and the University of South Alabama, the editor of Breitbart TV, a columnist for Mobile’s Lagniappe Weekly, and host of Mobile’s “The Jeff Poor Show” from 9 a.m.-12 p.m. on FM Talk 106.5.

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