Late Monday, Galleria shooting protest organizer Carlos Chaverst, Jr. made an ill-advised statement by declaring “celebratory gunfire” was allowed in Hoover city limits.
Chaverst, who has of late been a regular at the Hoover City Jail and was recently banned from the Riverchase Galleria, made the “announcement” on his Facebook page.
In the announcement, he said it was allowed by the Hoover Police Department and Hoover city administrator Allan Rice. However, he also discouraged the shooting in the nearby Birmingham city limits.

ANNOUNCEMENT: the City of Hoover said you are allowed to bring your guns and shoot within their city limits. Anywhere. It has been authorized by the Hoover (AL) Police Department and the City Administrator Allan Rice. Celebratory gunfire is allowed!
Please DO NOT shoot guns within Birmingham City limits. All shooting is to be directed towards and in the city of Hoover! #HappyNewYear
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention warns a bullet fired into the air from celebratory gunfire can return to the ground at speeds exceeding 200 feet per second, “a sufficient force to penetrate the human skull and cause serious injury or death.”
@Jeff_Poor is a graduate of Auburn University and is the editor of Breitbart TV.