FRISCO CITY — Last weekend, Rep. Bradley Byrne (R-Fairhope) announced he would be joining his colleague Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.) in support of the release of a three-page House Intelligence Committee memo.
According to Gaetz, the memo involved the FBI, the Department of Justice and President Donald Trump and it went to the “very foundations of our democracy.”
At a town hall held at the Frisco City city hall on Thursday, Byrne was asked if the release would harm the security of the United States.
Byrne prefaced his remarks by explaining he wasn’t on the House Intelligence Committee and may not be fully aware of some of the details. However, he said he didn’t believe there was any compromising information in that memo.
“I have to be careful how I say this — sometimes it’s not the information itself,” Byrne said. “It might reveal our sources. You have to be careful because you never want to compromise your source. You never want your adversary to know how you’re collecting information. And so, the people that are being very careful and thorough about how we do this are doing it for all the right reasons. I support them for that. I’m not on the Intelligence Committee. It did not seem to me, knowing what I know, that we would be compromising anything by doing that. If there was something there that would be compromising, perhaps they could just take that out … So, that’s about all that I’m going to say about that.”
Jeff Poor is a graduate of Auburn University and works as the editor of Breitbart TV. Follow Jeff on Twitter @jeff_poor.