Friday on Alabama Public Television’s “Capitol Journal,” Alabama Policy Institute director of policy strategy Phil Williams, also a former state senator, followed up on his organization’s suggestions on the state legislature’s possible gas tax hike in the upcoming legislative session.
Williams highlighted a number of ideas, including the potential for a tax swap to offset the cost at the gas pump.
However, he argued if such reforms were not included, he did not see the legislature passing a gas tax increase.
“It’s going to be a very tough sale,” Williams said to APTV’s Don Dailey. “I’ll be honest with you – sitting here today, you and I talking – I think if they bring a straight tax bill to the floor — no reforms, no offsets – it’s going to fail. That is my sense of it. That is my perception, having sat in those same seats and voted on similar legislation in the past. But I do believe if they couple it with reforms, couple it with an offset, even a potential partial offset, I think they will wind up being able to curry favor with the most conservative members of the House and the Senate and get something done.”
@Jeff_Poor is a graduate of Auburn University, the editor of Breitbart TV and host of “The Jeff Poor Show” from 2-5 p.m. on WVNN in Huntsville.