Tuesday on MSNBC, Rep. Terri Sewell (D-AL), a member of the House Intelligence Committee, rejected the Trump White House’s use of executive privilege to prevent former presidential chief strategist Steve Bannon from testifying before her committee. Sewell insists the committee’s question for Bannon will be tied to a period before Donald Trump was president.
“What’s important is that Steve Bannon come before our committee,” she said. “You know, I think it’s really unprecedented that he has now canceled for the third time. And I also think it`s really important to remember that we had to subpoena him in order to testify. So I think it’s really important for him to actually come back before our committee. I think it is really odd that the White House is asserting a privilege about information that Steve Bannon may have during the transition. As you and I both know, there’s only one president at a time. And during the transition, it was President Obama who had that privilege. So for Trump’s administration to now be asserting that privilege, I think is unprecedented.”
In recent days, Sewell has joined her Democratic House Intelligence Committee colleagues Reps. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.), Jim Himes (D-Conn.) and Eric Swalwell (D-Calif.) and taken on a more elevated role in steering the narrative toward the Russia investigation and away from potential abuses of FISA by the FBI and Department of Justice.
She doubled down on that effort in her MSNBC appearance.
“I think that it’s really important that we make sure that the Mueller investigation goes forward,” Sewell said. “I think that that’s what makes this whole memo — release the memo fight that’s going on such a distraction. I think it’s really important that we get to the bottom of how Russia interfered with our elections because we have heard now from all 17 agencies, including the current CIA director, Pompeo, that they are going to try it again. And so we as a member of the House Ways and Means – I mean, the House Intel committee should be about the business of finding out and getting to the bottom of the facts and following the facts where they lead us. I think it’s paramount that we make sure that the Mueller investigation goes forward unimpeded by this president.”
Jeff Poor is a graduate of Auburn University and works as the editor of Breitbart TV. Follow Jeff on Twitter @jeff_poor.