AG Steve Marshall on abortion ban: With or without rape, incest exceptions ‘we’ll be prepared to defend it’

On Tuesday, the Alabama Senate is expected to vote on HB 314, a bill that would criminalize performing abortions in Alabama.

The Senate’s version of the bill may or may not include an exception for rape or incest upon final passage. The House version that passed last week did not include the exception.

During an appearance on WVNN’s “The Jeff Poor Show” in Huntsville, Alabama Attorney General Steve Marshall said his office would be prepared to any version of an abortion ban, be it with an exception for rape or incest, or one without the ban.

“Because we’re going to be the agency that has to be able to defend the law, I don’t really need to comment on the options,” he said. “I will simply say this – whether the exceptions are there or not, we’re going to be prepared to put on factual information that demonstrates the factual fallacy in which Roe v. Wade was decided. And so, once the legislature finishes its work on the bill this session, and it sounds like Tuesday they’ll take that back up, whatever is passed and hopefully the governor signs, we’ll be prepared to defend it. And we’ll defend it with facts.”

@Jeff_Poor is a graduate of Auburn University, the editor of Breitbart TV and host of “The Jeff Poor Show” from 2-5 p.m. on WVNN in Huntsville.

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