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Yellowhammer named State Blog of the Year at CPAC


WASHINGTON, D.C. — Yellowhammer News, Alabama’s leading source of news and political commentary, was named State Blog of the Year at BlogBash on the first night of the 2014 Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC).

“This is an incredible honor for our company,” said Yellowhammer News CEO Cliff Sims. “It’s exciting to see our reach and influence continue to spread, even outside of Alabama. But the most humbling part about winning this award is that it was voted on by a panel of our peers. These folks have been on the forefront of the digital media revolution for a long time. For them to acknowledge the work Yellowhammer is doing like this is more than we could have ever hoped for.”

BlogBash has become a star-studded event in recent years as the influence of digital media outlets has grown exponentially. Sen. Rand Paul, Texas Gov. Rick Perry and House Republican Conference Chair Cathy McMorris Rodgers were just three of the notable speakers during this year’s BlogBash, which has dubbed itself “The largest gathering of right-of-center bloggers and online opinion leaders.”

A who’s who of national political groups, companies, and politicians sponsored the event, including Americans for Prosperity, Americans for Tax Reform, Franklin Center for Government & Public Integrity, Facebook, National Review, The Republican National Committee, True the Vote and many others.

CPAC has attracted 11,000 attendees to National Harbor this week and features speeches by numerous potential 2016 Republican presidential contenders. Sens. Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio, Rep. Paul Ryan and New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie all delivered speeches on just the first day of the 3-day event.

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