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U.S. Rep. Mike Rogers: The border wall is the solution

As many of you may have seen recently, Fake News and liberal groups have blamed President Trump with false allegations saying his Administration is to blame for “losing” illegal immigrant children by separating them from their families.

What these groups fail to disclose is that these phonies are using photos of illegal immigrant children from 2014 when President Obama was in office and making the liberal narrative of losing children simply not true.

I would like to remind all the anti-Trump liberals that a few years back, the Obama Administration was trying to use places like Maxwell Air Force Base in Montgomery and the Center for Domestic Preparedness (CDP) in Anniston to house these children as they came into the country.

I was vehemently opposed to this and wrote a letter in 2014 to then-HHS Secretary Burwell and then-DHS Secretary Johnson stating that placing these detainee children over 900 miles from the border didn’t make sense. Thankfully, children were not sent to Alabama.

We are all human and as a father of three, no one wants children to be separated from their parents. It is heart wrenching at times to watch these desperate families. However, building the border wall and blocking illegal immigration is the only surefire way to prevent these types of decisions from having to be made.

As a senior member of the House Homeland Security Committee, the wall remains a priority for me. I will continue to support President Trump in this effort and help him in keeping his promise to the American people.

Many problems like drug trafficking and criminals illegally entering our country would be seriously curtailed by building the border wall.

One common sense solution to make the wall a reality is my legislation, H.R. 1813, the Border Wall Funding Act of 2017. This bill would impose a two percent fee on all remittances to South and Central America. The fees collected would go to the Treasury to be used for border security construction, including to build the wall.

Illegal immigrants use remittances every day to move money from the United States to their home countries. This legislation would make Mexico pay for the wall and give the US a dedicated money source to help fund the wall. I hope Congress will make this a priority soon.

I would like to hear from you on this or any issue.

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Congressman Mike Rogers is a Republican from Semmes.

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