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Tuberville: Memorial Day is a reminder ‘why I stand for the flag, and for our national anthem’

U.S. Senator Tommy Tuberville (R-AL) this past week delivered remarks on the floor of the United States Senate ahead of Memorial Day, reflecting on the sacrifice of America’s tremendous military service members and their families.

“Our Gold Star families have given a great sacrifice to our country,” said Alabama’s junior senator.

“The United States stands on the foundation of generations of servicemen and women who gave their lives to defend their country. Their sacrifices created the most free and prosperous country in the history of the world,” Tuberville remarked.

He added, “We’re not perfect. Far from it. But our unique system of government is distinguished from any other. ‘Of the people, by the people, and for the people.’ That’s why I stand for the flag, and for our national anthem. Because for the last 250 years, men and women have given their lives for all this flag represents. They gave their lives, to defend our right to make our country better.”

“Memorial Day reminds us that our freedom and prosperity comes at a cost,” Tuberville concluded.

Tuberville’s full remarks as follows:

A week from today we’ll be celebrating Memorial Day. I know folks back home probably have some fun things planned for the long weekend. Cookouts, family get-togethers, maybe even a trip to the beach.

But while Memorial Day is a joyous, carefree weekend for some, [for] many families it’s a reminder of what has been lost.

A father or mother. Husband or a wife. A son, daughter, brother, sister. A family member, a friend – that cannot be replaced.

Our Gold Star families have given a great sacrifice to our country.

I’ve been there myself. My father served in World War 2, driving a tank across Europe. He earned five Bronze Stars and a Purple Heart. After the war, he died on active duty. And I still miss him today.

I’m forever grateful that he, like so many folks from his generation, put on that uniform. They enlisted not knowing whether they’d ever come home. Many of them – hundreds of thousands – did not.

But they knew what they were doing was worth the danger. They knew the United States of America, and all she stood for, was worth defending. They earned the title of the Greatest Generation.

I’ll be introducing a resolution this week honoring the immense sacrifice of the Greatest Generation. And not just those who put on the uniform. This resolution recognizes the millions of Americans who worked in the factories, bought war bonds, and donated their pots, pans, and more to a war effort.

We owe the Greatest Generation a debt we can never fully repay.

I want to take a moment to thank Mr. Sam Romano, from Vestavia Hills, Alabama, for advocating on behalf of the Greatest Generation and his contributions to this resolution.

Today, we have more than a million active-duty service men and women who continue to defend our freedoms. They too stand ready to answer the call when evil threatens America. They too stand ready to give their lives to defend their country if need be.

The United States stands on the foundation of generations of servicemen and women who gave their lives to defend their country. Their sacrifices created the most free and prosperous country in the history of the world.

We’re not perfect. Far from it. But our unique system of government is distinguished from any other. ‘Of the people, by the people, and for the people.’

That’s why I stand for the flag, and for our national anthem. Because for the last 250 years, men and women have given their lives for all this flag represents. They gave their lives, to defend our right to make our country better.

The continued service of our military allows us to have that barbecue this weekend. Their service allows us to gather freely with family and friends. To think, to worship, and live how we want to.

Memorial Day reminds us that our freedom and prosperity comes at a cost.

So for this upcoming Memorial Day weekend, I’d encourage all of us to take a moment. To remember what we’re celebrating: the brave men and women who laid down their lives, for ours.

Let’s honor our soldiers’ sacrifice by keeping our country strong, and upholding the values they gave their lives to defend.

Sean Ross is the editor of Yellowhammer News. You can follow him on Twitter @sean_yhn

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