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Tuberville demands accountability for forced vaccination of military

Since coming into office, Sen. Tommy Tuberville has made it a goal to understand why all branches of the military, including the National Guard, were forced into vaccinating their members against COVID-19.

The mandate issued by Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin in August 2021 reportedly resulted in thousands of service men and service women retiring from the military.

According to Tuberville, the decision has had a lasting effect on the overall readiness of the military and the Department of Defense owes service members answers.

“Our military should be focused on one thing only: winning,” said Tuberville (R-Auburn). “Joe Biden firing thousands of healthy and dedicated service members made us weaker and never had any basis in science. The Senate — and, more importantly, military families — deserve a full accounting of the effects of this policy up and down the chain of command. The Pentagon needs to stop stonewalling and give us the answers we deserve.”

Tuberville recently sent a letter to Navy Secretary Carlos Del Toro, Air Force Secretary Frank Kendall, and Army Secretary Christine Wormuth requesting information on the matter.

So far, a response has not been given.

Data shows 1,861 Army, 2,041 Navy, 3,717 Marine Corps, and 834 Air Force/Space Force service members have been discharged due to the COVID-19 vaccine.

Austen Shipley is a staff writer for Yellowhammer News.

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