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Stand for life — Vote yes on Amendment Two

As women, mothers and as the supporters of many other young mothers and their children, we have watched with outraged disbelief the absurd attacks that Planned Parenthood is hurling at Amendment Two, Alabama’s pro-life amendment on Tuesday’s ballot.

Planned Parenthood and its allies have spent nearly $1.5 million dollars in out-of-state, dark money to protect Planned Parenthood’s abortion mills in Alabama and defeat Amendment Two. We find it quite ironic that Planned Parenthood, the nation’s largest abortion provider where hundreds of thousands of babies are killed inside its clinics every year, and its allies are claiming that Amendment Two is “anti-family,” when the Amendment clearly declares the importance of protecting life.

Amendment Two is emphatically pro-family and pro-life, and that’s why the Amendment is a threat to Planned Parenthood’s radical agenda.

Planned Parenthood is synonymous with the death of unborn children and its abortion-on demand agenda is dramatically out-of-step with the pro-life views of Alabamians. For years, the company trafficked in the sale of fetal body parts; indeed, the Washington Post reported in 2015 that a Planned Parenthood director said, as she haggled over the price of a fetus’s liver, “If it’s still low, then we can bump it up. I want a Lamborghini.”

Here is the truth about Amendment Two:

According to the independent, non-partisan Fair Ballot Commission, the amendment does two things:

-It is a general statement of public policy meant to demonstrate the state’s pro-life values towards the protection of unborn children.

-Second, the amendment clarifies that our state constitution does not support taxpayer dollars being spent to fund abortions.

We strongly urge you not to be fooled by Planned Parenthood’s false claims about Amendment two. Contrary to Planned Parenthood’s misinformation and lies, Amendment Two does not eliminate current exceptions to abortion, such as when the life of the mother is at stake. Further, Amendment Two would not criminalize or penalize anyone in cases of miscarriages, stillborn births, in-vitro birthing options, or ectopic pregnancies.

According to its annual report in 2014, Planned Parenthood’s combined annual revenue was $1.3 billion. These lies they are disseminating are about their massive income- not the health care of women.

As women and mothers in Alabama, we are voting for Amendment Two because it declares in writing what we already believe to be true: that all life is sacred and that the most vulnerable among us, unborn children, deserve to be loved and protected. Amendment Two is a statement that signals to our government and to each other that we, the people of Alabama, value life and that our laws should protect and defend the weak as well as the strong. Further, we support Amendment Two because it will help prevent groups like Planned Parenthood from using taxpayer dollars to line their pockets and further their industry of death and dismemberment.

We pray that the people of Alabama will see through the distortions and the millions of out-of-state, dark money in campaign ads and will join us in supporting Amendment Two.

The choice is clear: Alabamians can vote “yes” and take a stand for unborn life as well as stop Planned Parenthood. Our hope is that Alabama will stand for life, and vote “yes” on Amendment Two.

Mrs. Twinkle Cavanaugh, Mrs. Terry Lathan and Mrs. Mary Sue McClurkin, co-chairwomen for Alliance for a Pro-Life Alabama

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