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Sessions: Iran’s influence in S. America worsens security threat posed by Obama’s immigration policies

Sen. Sessions speaks at Breitbart News's meet and greet event at CPAC
Sen. Sessions speaks at Breitbart News’s meet and greet event at CPAC

WASHINGTON — Senator Jeff Sessions (R-AL) told Breitbart News last week that a U.S. General’s testimony on Iran’s presence in South America is more evidence that President Obama’s immigration policies are a threat to national security.

Earlier this month General John Kelly, the top U.S. commander in Latin America and the Caribbean, known as Southcom, warned members of Congress that Iran has been developing increased influence in the region.

“Iran has established more than 80 ‘cultural centers’ in a region with an extremely small Muslim population. The purported purpose of these centers is to improve Iran’s image, promote Shi’a Islam, and increase Iran’s political influence in the region,” Gen. Kelly told lawmakers on March 12. “As the foremost state sponsor of terrorism, Iran’s involvement in the region and these cultural centers is a matter for concern, and its diplomatic, economic, and political engagement is closely monitored.”

“General Kelly’s warning arrives at a time when thousands of unknown individuals continue to be caught and released at the border,” Sen. Sessions told Breitbart News. “It arrives on the heels of repeated declarations from United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) caseworkers that we are ‘rubber-stamping’ immigrant applications… And it arrives squarely in the midst of President Obama’s unilateral suspension of our sovereign immigration laws.”

“All who hold or seek to hold elected office must work towards establishing now-absent control over our system of entry into, and exit from, the United States,” Sessions said.

Last week one of Gen. Kelly’s Southcom colleagues, General Kenneth Tovo told lawmakers that Shi’a Islamist terrorist group Hezbollah is using drug cartels south of the border to fund terrorist activities in the Middle East.

Sen. Sessions’ has long been a staunch advocate of securing the U.S. border and providing a common sense immigration plan that would keep out terrorists while allowing hard working legal immigrants to have an easier path.

As the Obama administration grows perilously close to its March 31st deadline in talks with Iranian officials, many members of Congress hold that the outcome of these talks must maintain a high level of control over the rogue state’s nuclear program.

A Wall Street Journal report warns the US has made many concessions during the Iran talks.

“Talks over Iran’s nuclear program have hit a stumbling block a week before a key deadline because Tehran has failed to cooperate with a United Nations probe into whether it tried to build atomic weapons in the past, say people close to the negotiations,” The WSJ report said. “In response, these people say, the U.S. and its diplomatic partners are revising their demands on Iran to address these concerns before they agree to finalize a nuclear deal, which would repeal U.N. sanctions against the country.”

In other words, Iran is refusing to back down, so the Obama administration is.

Both houses of Congress have sent letters to Iran and the President warning that any agreement with Iran that doesn’t put a stop to the country’s nuclear program will not be tolerated by them long term.

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