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Sessions & families of Americans killed by illegal aliens deliver stirring remarks in Senate hearing

(Video above: Sen. Jeff Sessions speaks in a Senate hearing reviewing the Obama Administration’s lack of immigration enforcement.)

The Senate Judiciary Committee on Monday held a hearing to review the Obama Administration’s immigration enforcement policies that included emotional testimony from Americans whose family members have been killed by illegal immigrants.

Among those who testified were Susan Oliver, the widow of sheriff’s deputy Danny Oliver who was killed by a twice-deported illegal alien, and Jim Steinle, the father of Kate Steinle who was murdered on a pier in San Francisco by an illegal alien who had been convicted of seven felonies but was released back onto the streets.

Mr. Steinle’s testimony was particularly heart-wrenching as he recalled the last moments he spent with his daughter just before she died in his arms.

We were walking arm in arm on Pier 14 In San Francisco, enjoying a wonderful day together. Suddenly a shot rang out, Kate fell, and looked at me and said “Help me, Dad.” Those are the last words I will ever hear from my daughter…

(Her) alleged murderer is an undocumented immigrant who has been convicted of seven felonies in the U.S. and already deported five times. Yet, in March of this year, he was released from jail and allowed to stay here freely because of legal loopholes…

It is unbelievable to see that so many innocent Americans have been killed by undocumented immigrant felons in recent years. In fact, we recently came across a statistic that says between 2010 and 2014, 121 unique criminal aliens who had an active deportation case at the time of release were subsequently charged with homicide related offenses.

Think about that — 121 times over the past 4 years the administration has released an illegal immigrant with prior criminal convictions that later went on to be charged with a murder when they should have been deported. That’s 1 every 12 days.

Sen. Sessions responded to the testimonies by lambasting the Obama Administration for focusing on “amnesty” rather than securing the border and enforcing existing immigration laws.

What the American people know and what the families of victims of violent crime know is that this Administration has consistently and steadfastly placed the goal of amnesty above the goal of public safety. Time and time and time again that has been the fact…

If this Administration spent one-tenth of the effort on enforcement and protecting people from crimes and punishing people who are criminals who violate our immigration laws, rather than on amnesty we’d be a lot safer today. Many of the people who have been injured, robbed, or killed by illegal aliens would be alive today. That’s just fact and everybody knows it.

Sen. Sessions recently introduced the “Michael Davis, Jr. and Danny Oliver in Honor of State and Local Law Enforcement Act.”

According to his office, “the legislation would end the mass release of criminal aliens, return law and order to devastated communities, and ensure the consistent and uniform application of federal law. The proposal, which builds on legislation introduced by House Immigration and Border Security Subcommittee Chairman Trey Gowdy, is named after Detective Michael Davis and Deputy Danny Oliver, two local law enforcement officers who were murdered by an illegal alien with an extensive criminal history.”

In the last two years, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement has released back onto the streets 76,000 convicted criminal aliens. There are currently 169,000 criminal aliens at large in the United States who have criminal convictions and were formally and lawfully ordered deported.

The Obama Administration’s tolerance of sanctuary cities has also resulted in another 10,000 potentially deportable arrested aliens being released by local law agencies since January of 2014. 121 of the criminal aliens who’ve been ordered deported in the last few years and were released by ICE have now been charged with additional homicide offenses.

RELATED: Alabamian whose family immigrated from Mexico delivers must-hear take on illegal immigration

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