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Rumors & Rumblings

“Rumors and Rumblings” is a weekly feature that runs each Wednesday. It includes short nuggets of information that we glean from conversations throughout the week. Have a tip? Send it here. All sources remain confidential.

1. House Speaker Mike Hubbard will announce next week that Rachel Adams will be coming on as his Communications Director. Adams is fresh off a stint as The RNC’s North Carolina Victory Communications Director. North Carolina was the standout operation of the Romney campaign and one of the few swing states Romney carried. “This is a huge hire for the Speaker,” a House insider told Yellowhammer. “She’s a top-notch talent and brings a wealth of experience to the job right off the bat.”

2. Vestavia resident David Wheeler, a retired business executive, is laying the groundwork for a Republican primary run against Representative Jack Williams in HD 47. Early indication from major donors is that while Wheeler is viewed favorably, Williams will likely maintain the support of most of the significant fundraising sources. Wheeler will be a viable candidate, but will face an uphill battle against a seasoned incumbent.

3. Yellowhammer has covered ad nauseum the ongoing saga of Rep. Jeremy Oden’s potential appointment to the PSC. While the appointment process was briefly derailed due to an obscure PSC rule, all indications now point to Oden being appointed sometime in the next week, possibly on Monday.

4. Adam Thompson announced officially this morning that he will be seeking the the Republican nomination for State Auditor in 2014. Thompson is currently Deputy Chief of Staff to Secretary of State Beth Chapman and also worked under Chapman when she was State Auditor. “The State Auditor is the last line of defense in making sure your tax dollars are used wisely and effectively,” Thompson said in an email. “On Day One I will be ready; no on-the-job training needed.”

5. Democrat Representative Joe Hubbard (HD 73) has a contract pending on a house in Republican Representative Jay Love’s District (HD 74). Hubbard found himself in a fellow Democrat’s district after redistricting and may be looking to reposition himself for another run. Love is well-known and well-liked in his district and one of the most powerful members in the House. All of that combined with his fundraising prowess will make him extremely hard to beat. Hubbard has proven to be tenacious, but his liberal approach won’t play well in Love’s conservative-leaning district.

6. Yellowhammer first mentioned way back in June that frustration was mounting among the Senate GOP as Republican Senator Ben Brooks put off vacating his Senate seat. Brooks won the Republican nomination for Mobile County circuit judge in MARCH and faced no general election opponent. Every day since then that he didn’t resign is another day Republicans will be down a vote in the Senate during the next session. The Circuit Judge race is now over, the vote is certified, yet he still hasn’t resigned. “I’ve never seen anything like it,” a Senate Republican told Yellowhammer. “Every vote is needed in the Senate and we’ve basically been left hanging. No one really knows why.”

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