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Rogers: Biden policies going to hurt Americans at the checkout line this holiday season

President Trump made strengthening the American economy one of the biggest focuses in his presidency and the results were clear. From middle-class tax cuts to rolling back job-killing regulations – President Trump’s America First agenda created a growth-oriented economy that benefited all Americans.

Less than a year in office President Biden and his Democrat supporters in Congress have set their sights on destroying our economy. His Build Back Socialist agenda will hurt our economy and burden Alabama families for years to come.

This year we’ve seen the disastrous economic consequences of the far-left’s agenda. Inflation has gone up every month of Joe Biden’s presidency. Americans are paying more for just about everything from the grocery store to the gas station – Biden’s failed policies mean more money is coming out of your wallet. It is hidin’ Biden’s hidden tax.

Their multi-trillion-dollar socialist agenda is crushing small businesses by overly extending unemployment benefits and fueling worker shortages. President Biden is actually paying people not to work.

As we enter the holiday season Biden’s policies are going to hurt Americans at the checkout line. Even the New York Times had to admit that, “Thanksgiving 2021 could be the most expensive meal in the history of the holiday…Nearly every component of the traditional American Thanksgiving dinner, from the disposable aluminum turkey roasting pan to the coffee and pie, will cost more this year.” And it is not only your supper that costs more, but local schools are worried about food options for their students – some going so far as to warn that they may not be able to cover some meals.

As we near Christmas, skyrocketing inflation and supply chain issues have led to a perfect storm of economic distress with Americans being warned by the Biden White House that “There will be things that people can’t get.” Meanwhile, the Biden White House have mocked Americans concerns over the supply chain crisis. According to the Washington Times, Jen Psaki, a senior White House official laughed when asked about supply chain issues and said, “The tragedy of the treadmill delayed.” Ron Klein, President Biden’s chief of staff agreed with an opinion that inflation and supply chain issues were “high class problems.”

Well, I would invite the Biden White House officials to leave their luxury D.C. homes and come to Alabama to see first-hand the economic hardship that families in our community will be facing this holiday season. While the wallets of Biden administration officials won’t feel the impact of more expensive holiday meals and presents, those outside of the swamp will be forced to make hard decisions at what is supposed to be a cheerful time of year.

Congressman Mike Rogers (AL-03) serves in the United States House of Representatives, where he is the ranking member of the Armed Services Committee

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