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Rep. Moore: Americans ‘should never have to fear’ government

In 2022, when I held fifteen town halls across my district, I expected to hear about the cost of gas and groceries or our open southern border (and I certainly did!), but the number one concern I heard was the weaponization of our government against its own citizens. 

This week, I held a telephone-town hall on government  weaponization with special guest Judiciary Chairman Jim Jordan where I heard many of the same concerns. In fact, when I asked which of these agencies were the most weaponized – the DOJ, FBI, IRS or CIA – 77 percent chose “All of the above.” Americans saw the government use COVID-19 as an excuse to take over our lives, from vaccination cards to mask mandates to forced church  closures – but it didn’t stop when the pandemic was over.  

In February 2021, the FBI paid Twitter more than $3 million to squash the Hunter Biden laptop story and $1 million to Christopher Steele to verify his dossier accusing President Trump of Russian collusion. When I asked FBI Director Christopher Wray why this happened, his only excuse was that he was not the director during the time the payment was provided. 

Biden’s Department of Homeland Security created a “Disinformation Governance Board” in April 2022, claiming it would protect against disinformation flowing in from other countries. However, whistleblower documents obtained by  Senators Hawley and Grassley found that the board planned on partnering with Twitter and other social media websites to  suppress American speech. Thanks to their exposure of the board’s true purpose, the board was disbanded.  

Before losing control of the House, Democrats made it their mission to supercharge the IRS budget from $12 billion to $80 billion to make way for the hiring of 87,000 agents to weaponize against the American people. House Republicans attempted to add language to protect lower- and middle-income Americans from facing more audits as a result of this rule, but Democrats rejected this.  

Biden’s Department of Justice has indicted President Trump  twice: once for questioning the election results, and again for mishandling of classified documents. Never mind that authorities  found multiple classified documents in Biden’s unlocked Delaware garage.  

Last month, I asked Attorney General Merrick Garland if questioning an election is now a crime in America. It took him awhile to formulate an answer, but he finally admitted it is not a crime. I guess that only applies if your name isn’t Trump. On the other hand, the DOJ is working hard to ensure Hunter Biden’s tax and gun charges result in no jail time.  

House Republican investigations through the Judiciary, Oversight, Ways and Means, Weaponization, and Coronavirus Pandemic committees are uncovering more ways the government has lied to  and weaponized against Americans. For instance, Dr. Fauci  famously told us COVID-19 was not created in a lab. The Select Committee on the Coronavirus Pandemic recently found that as he CIA was investigating the true origins of COVID-19, Dr. Fauci was escorted to their offices for a secret meeting during which he  attempted to influence their investigation. So not only was the government using the pandemic to control us, they were also lying about it.  

Americans should be able to trust their government, and they should never have to fear retaliation from our bloated bureaucracy for exercising their constitutional rights. I am proud to fight alongside House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan, who  has led the charge against government weaponization in this 

Congress, and I will continue to battle the Deep State on behalf of the Americans I represent in Congress.

Congressman Barry Moore represents Alabama’s 2nd Congressional District.

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