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Quota met, Alabama’s red snapper season closes

After reopening the private angler red snapper season because the state’s federal quota of red snapper had not been met, the Alabama Department of Conservation and Natural Resources said this week, thanks to the reopening, the quota of 591,185 pounds was reached and the season has officially ended.

“We were pleased to be able to reopen the season and provide anglers with additional opportunities to harvest red snapper this fall,” said Conservation Commissioner Chris Blankenship. “I am excited about the possibility of an increase in Alabama’s 2024 federal quota.

“We will continue working to ensure our citizens and visitors have access to the incredible red snapper fishery off the coast of Alabama.”

Related story: Quota not met, red snapper season to reopen

Marine Resources Director Scott Bannon credited the state-managed season for being able to reopen and reach the quota.

“Because of state management of the red snapper season we were able to reopen it for three additional weekends after the initial closure,” said Bannon. “Our goal is to provide the maximum opportunity to Alabama’s anglers and we feel we have accomplished that.”

Marine Resources anticipates an increase to the Alabama quota for next season based on a rule to be approved in the next few weeks by the U.S. Secretary of Commerce.

Austen Shipley is a staff writer for Yellowhammer News.

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