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(QUIZ) Alabama students may soon have to pass civics test to graduate, but could you?

Alabama State Senators Arthur Orr (R-Decatur) and Tripp Pitman (R-Montrose) are introducing a bill that would require Alabama high school students to pass the US citizenship civics test in order to graduate.

The test would be comprised of the same 100 questions on US civics as the naturalization test administered to new US citizens. Though new citizens only have to answer 10 of those questions, the bill would require students to answer all 100.

“I think it is only fair that all students are required to know the same basic information about their country as those who immigrate to the United States in order to pursue the American dream,” Orr said in a statement last week.

Students would be required to earn a score of at least 60/100, but would be given as many chances as they needed to pass.

“It is essential for citizens of a Republic to be literate in civics in order to comprehend the process and consequences of government action,” Pittman said in the release.

Arizona recently passed a similar law, and lawmakers in at least 11 other states have proposed similar legislation.

The questions are what most would consider Civics 101, but can Yellowhammer readers pass the test?

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