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PROPS TO COPS: Campaign encouraging Alabamians to support police goes viral

Props to Cops

BIRMINGHAM, Ala. — A series of high profile incidents around the country has heightened racial tensions and sparked a national debate over police use of force.

But while police officers have become a favorite target of the national media and opportunistic politicians, many citizens remain supportive and appreciative of the cops who put their lives on the line everyday.

In an effort to give Alabamians an opportunity to express their support for the police, Crawford Broadcasting in Birmingham decided to launch the “Props to Cops” campaign.

“Through the Month of May, if businesses want to show appreciation to our police by offering free or discounted services or products, we will give them on-air shout outs and promotion on all of our local shows,” explained Leland Whaley, Crawford Broadcasting’s Birmingham Station Manager. “We want the cops to know they are appreciated and we want people to know about the businesses that step up.”

Individuals or organizations who want to participate can email propstocops@101wyde.com. Stations involved in the promotion include WDJC, WXJC and WYDE, which is also the flagship station for Yellowhammer Radio with Cliff Sims.

The promotion is only days old, but has already sparked a massive outpouring of support from small businesses who want to offer discounts or free services or products to police officers.

“I wanted to use the power of our medium and the quickest way to do that was to basically say, ‘We’ll give away our product if you’ll give away yours.’ So we give air time to businesses who support police by giving them discounts,” said Whaley, who also hosts “Leland Live” on Superstation WYDE. “The response has been overwhelming. We’ve had car dealers, junk haulers, a linen cleaning service — you name it. There are so many people out there who have been frustrated with how our police officers are being treated, they just didn’t know what to do. We’re using the power of radio to channel the goodwill that is already out there.

“I got fired up about this because I was watching the news and realized this war on police is not about justice, it’s about politics,” he continued. “It’s wrong for our justice system to be abused like this. Police have to get up every day, put on a badge and risk their lives. There’s such a hostile environment right now and they’re being targeted by political opportunists. It’s time to defend our defenders and show appreciation to our police.”

Over a dozen talk shows across three different Crawford Broadcasting stations are participating in the campaign. For more information or to offer “Props to Cops” through your business, email propstocops@101wyde.com.

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