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(POLL) Should Alabamians have the option to recall elected leaders?

YH Recall
Nineteen states and the District of Columbia have the ability to recall and replace elected leaders before the conclusion of their terms. Alabama is not among them.

While the Alabama legislature, and most municipalities, have the ability to remove a leader who has violated his or her oath of office via the impeachment process, there exists no mechanism in the state for the population as a whole to take action if they find the actions of their elected leaders to be contrary to their values in the middle of a term.

Historically, the vast majority of recall elections have been made against members of state legislatures, though three have been made against sitting governors. Only one of them has been successful, when Arnold Schwarzenegger unseated California Governor Gray Davis in 2003.

Supporters of the recall say it provides a mechanism for ordinary citizens to provide feedback and control over officials who they feel are no longer aligned with their values, or are unresponsive or incompetent. Opponents say it undermines the whole idea of a Republic, and could be abused by special interest groups.

What do you think? Let us know by participating in the short, unscientific, poll below.

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