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(Poll) Should Alabama legislators be term-limited?

Alabama State House (Photo: Creative Commons/Jay Williams)
Alabama State House (Photo: Creative Commons/Jay Williams)

Senator Trip Pittman (R-Montrose), introduced a bill last week that would limit members of the Alabama State Legislature to a maximum of three four-year terms.

The bill would have to be voted on by Alabamians in the next statewide election to be established as a state constitutional amendment.

Here are a few of the pros and cons of term limits, according to BalancedPolitics.org:


1. (Term limits allow new legislators to bring) new ideas, procedures, and influence.
2. Political machines of incumbents make it very difficult to remove them from office.
3. Politicians are less likely to be focused on special interests and pork-barrel spending if they cannot stay in office indefinitely.
4. Lack of term limits leads to a system of seniority, meaning those who have spent the most time in office gain more power (in committees, procedures, etc.); consequently, politicians focus on staying in office… and fresh new elected officials have limited ability to make changes.
5. Term limits lead to a “citizen” (Legislature), rather than one filled with lawyers and career politicians.
6. There is less chance for corruption of government officials if time in office is limited; new politicians are less likely to have the knowledge to exploit the system for personal gain and are more skeptical of lobbyists & special interests.
7. Politicians in their last term of office are more likely to ignore politics and media criticism to target what’s best for the (state), and they can work to establish tangible accomplishments that will build on their legacy.


1. Term limits kick out the good leaders who may deserve to stay in office for excellent work.
2. Every job has a learning curve, and (the Legislature) is no exception. Any new politicians would have to go through that when they come into office.
3. Politicians that leave office take with them a lot of experience and contacts that are essential to get things done. New leaders would have to develop these from scratch.
4. Politicians who are in the last term of office are more likely to ignore the will of the people since they don’t face the wrath of the electorate in the future.

Do you think Alabama’s state legislators should be term limited? Take a minute to participate in our (unscientific) poll.

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