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Poll: Britt most popular freshman GOP senator

The “mama on a mission” has apparently taken Washington by storm.

According to a poll by Morning Consult, Sen. Katie Britt is the most popular GOP senator among the freshman class, with the widest margin between her approvals and disapprovals (plus-27% net).

More powerfully, Britt (R-Montgomery) maintains the lowest disapproval rating of any member of the Senate (22%) overall. 

For reference, President Joe Biden’s disapproval rating in Alabama sits at an abysmal 66%. 

The just-released poll offered a look at how Americans are feeling about their elected officials a little more than 100 days into their current term.

Especially amid Democratic control of the Senate chamber, the poll offers a strong indication that Britt’s presence is being received and encouraged positively by Alabamians. 

In a reflection of her first 100 days in office, Britt said Alabama sent a “mama on a mission” to the U.S. Senate.

RELATED: Britts aid injured athlete at son’s track meet 

From the minute I was sworn into office on January 3, I took the fight for faith, family, and freedom to Washington, D.C., as my team and I have been laser-focused on advocating for our people, our liberties, our values, and our interests,” Britt said. 

“While we are off to a fast start, these past 100 days have also made it crystal clear we have a lot more work ahead of us.”

Britt has authored and/or sponsored more than 60 pieces of legislation so far. She pointed to the following as some of the biggest accomplishments and works in progress:

  • Bolstering American energy independence
  • Lowering taxes
  • Combating inflation and runaway national debt
  • Slashing burdensome red tape for businesses
  • Safeguarding the sanctity of life
  • Upholding the rule of law
  • Protecting the ability of girls and young women to compete in sports 
  • Supporting our law enforcement officers
  • Strengthening our supply chains
  • Fortifying Americans’ retirement savings
  • Advancing election integrity
  • Standing up for family farmers 

Britt holds key committee assignments, including the Committee on Appropriations; Banking, Housing, and Urban Development; and the powerful Rules Committee.

Grayson Everett is a staff writer for Yellowhammer News. You can follow him on Twitter @Grayson270 for coverage of the 2023 legislative session. 

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