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Planned Parenthood’s anti-Amendment Two campaign was a massive waste of money

After Planned Parenthood and allied out-of-state liberal groups spent approximately $1.5 million in dark money opposition to Amendment Two on Tuesday’s statewide general election ballot, the pro-life constitutional amendment still passed comfortably.

With 99 percent of precincts reporting as of Thursday morning, Amendment Two received 913,224 (59 percent) “Yes” votes and 634,122 (41 percent) “No” votes.

For comparison, consider that the Democratic nominee for lieutenant governor, Dr. Will Boyd, spent only $13,715 on advertising the entire campaign cycle and received more votes 657,040 (albeit a lower percentage at 38.7) than the amendment opposition did.

So, the massive advertising against the amendment barely made a scratch. And that is not even factoring in the free advertising that Planned Parenthood and the like got from mainstream media outlets like Alabama Media Group and the Associated Press, who helped spread misinformation against Amendment Two on a fact-free basis.

While the opposition failed miserably, the pro-life, conservative leaders who vocally and unwaveringly took a stand in the face of this massive media blitz should be applauded. Led by the Alliance for a Pro-life Alabama – which was co-chaired by PSC President Twinkle Andress Cavanaugh, ALGOP Chairman Terry Lathan and former state Rep. Mary Sue McClurkin and organized by Cole Wagner and Rick Renshaw – along with strong support from Governor Kay Ivey, Attorney General Steve Marshall, Lieutenant Governor-elect Will Ainsworth, Senate Pro Tem Del Marsh and House Speaker Mac McCutcheon, truth won the day and Alabama values were affirmed.

Outside groups should think twice next time before interfering in an Alabama election, as the Yellowhammer State’s motto of “We Dare Defend Our Rights” rings true. Would that $1.5 million not have been better spent on something like, well, women’s healthcare?

Sean Ross is a staff writer for Yellowhammer News. You can follow him on Twitter @sean_yhn

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