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Ouch: Alabama congressional delegation averages 59% on fiscal conservative ‘scorecard’

United States Capitol
United States Capitol

Fiscally conservative political action group Club for Growth has released its Congressional Scorecard for the 2014 session, and Alabama’s delegation ended up with an average score of 59 percent (out of 100).

Club for Growth bases its Scorecard on a series of “Key Votes” it broadcasts to legislators and its national network whenever “it is imperative that lawmakers strike down legislation that will raise taxes, increase harmful regulations, and grow our already massive government.” At the end of the year, Club for Growth tallies how each member of Congress voted.

Every member has both a score for the year, and a lifetime score.

Each year, the organization gives a Defender of Economic Freedom Award to each member with a 2014 and lifetime score of more than 90.

None of Alabama’s congressional delegates will receive the award for 2014.

“2014’s Congressional Scorecard has few surprises,” Club for Growth President David McIntosh said in a press release accompanying the 2014 scores. “In general, those who believe in economic freedom will be recognized for their consistency and those who do not, will not.”


So, how does the Alabama delegation stack up?

Club for Growth house

The 59 percent score for the whole delegation is dragged down by Rep. Terri Sewell (D-Birmingham), the delegation’s lone Democrat, who scored a 2 on the 2014 scorecard. The remaining six Republicans average a score of 69.

Mo Brooks (R-AL5) is the closest in the House to being considered a “Defender of Economic Freedom.” Senator Jeff Sessions had a stellar year according to the Club for Growth’s rubric, with an eye-popping 2014 score of 98, but also fell just short of receiving the award due to a lifetime score of 87. Sen. Shelby scored a 76 on the 2014 scorecard.

Alabama’s lowest scoring Republican member was Rep. Martha Roby (R-AL2). According to Club for Growth, Rep. Roby’s low score is the result of her support of the “Cromnibus,” farm bill, federal flood insurance, and “bailout of the Highway Trust Fund,” among other key votes. Rep. Roby’s score of 46 actually puts her a few points below the highest scoring House Democrat, Jim Matheson (D-UT4) who came in at 50.

Because the current Scorecard only includes key votes from 2014, newly-elected Congressman Gary Palmer (R-AL6) is not included, while the member he replaced, Spencer Bachus who retired last year, is.

Nationwide, eight House members received a perfect score from Club for Growth, and only one Senator—the now-retired Tom Coburn (R-OK).

The group will present the “Defender of Economic Freedom Award” to a total of 34 members of Congress this year.

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