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Obama coming back to Alabama

President Barack Obama in an interview with Buzzfeed's Ben Smith on Feb. 10. 2014 (Photo: Screenshot)
President Barack Obama in an interview with Buzzfeed’s Ben Smith on Feb. 10. 2014 (Photo: Screenshot)

BIRMINGHAM, Ala. — According to reports, President Obama will be visiting the Magic City March 26th. He is rumored to be making a speech on the economy at Lawson State Community College.

“For some time now, we have been working with the White House in bringing members of the president’s cabinet to Birmingham,” Birmingham Mayor William Bell told Al.com. “It is finally culminating with the president visiting to see some of the work that’s being done in Birmingham. We were looking for a venue that represents job training, job creation and technology advancement.”

City Council President Jonathan Austin said the President’s new TechHire program would be the focus of the visit and speech.

“The program seeks to form collaboration between local community colleges, Universities and high schools in steering students to traditional and nontraditional educational opportunities which helps teach them to not only be new entrepreneurs, but also to work with new and existing technologies,” said Austin.

The President visited Alabama earlier this month to commemorate the 50th Anniversary of “Bloody Sunday,” the tragic attacks on protestors crossing the Edmund Pettus Bridge in Selma during the height of the Civil Rights movement.

More details will be added as they become available.

(H/T Montgomery Advertiser)

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