In this episode of Executive Lion’s Living Life On Purpose, Andrew Wells and Matt Wilson sit down with Will Ainsworth, a businessman and Alabama legislator to discuss how God guides his life.
Ainsworth is a husband, father, successful businessman, and Christian. He talks about how his faith guides him in his decision-making process and how he feels led to run for lieutenant governor.
3 Takeaways:
1) A former minister, Will has let the Lord guide him in his decisions for most of his life and he asks the Lord to help him in his leadership today.
2) Sometimes our plans don’t go anything like we expected and God will call us to do things we don’t understand. However, His ways are always perfect. We just need to trust Him.
3) Tough decisions are hard to make sometimes and a strong moral compass has to be our guide. If you don’t have a basis for how you lead, you will have no clear path or consistent track record.