‘Yea Alabama!’ synced to 25,000 Christmas lights is incredible (Video)

(Video above: Texas homeowner syncs Christmas lights to the University of Alabama fight song)

An Alabama football fan living in Texas has endured so much good-natured ribbing for being a Crimson Tide supporter that one of his co-workers decided to give him a special Christmas present this year.

John Storms of Austin, Texas, synced 25,000 Christmas lights to the Million Dollar Band’s rendition of “Yea Alabama,” and presented the show to his friend and neighbor, Roger, as a gift.

This is not Storms’ first year producing an epic Christmas lights display. Past years have included shows themed around “Frozen” and “Gangnam Style,” among others.

Surprisingly, Storms says his over-the-top displays are a cheap gift to his neighborhood.

“Our bill is actually really low,” he said. “The entire show, for the entire season costs well under $15. All the lights are LED and they use 11 amps at peak usage. Back in the day when we ran a static show using incandescent, and far fewer of them, our power bills would be $150-200/month. In 2014, our electric bill for October and November was higher than it was for December.”

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