WHOA: Gubernatorial candidate Parker Griffith compares Alabama politics to warring Islamic sects

Parker Griffith, the Democratic Party’s nominee for Alabama governor, made some… well… interesting comments at a recent campaign stop.

In response to a voter asking whether Griffith’s frequent Party switching (“from a Democrat to a Republican and back again”) has affected his support, Griffith had this to say:

It’s still difficult. Religion and politics are one in the same. Alabama reminds me of the Shiites and the Sunnis. Uh, so, uh, I’ve got people, I’ve got people that I see now that are very, very disappointed that I changed parties. But most of them are not because they’ve seen the parties change more than I changed. They didn’t see me change, they saw me change to another party, but they didn’t see me change.

A video of the exchange, which can be viewed above, immediately started making the rounds online after being posted Monday morning.

“Yes, I’m sure in Alabama you get beheaded for not attending church on Sunday,” one tweeter replied sarcastically.

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