Weston Spivey endorses Bradley Byrne for United States Senate

Weston Spivey

When I ran for Geneva County commissioner at the age of 18, a number of people thought I was crazy. But, I ran an aggressive campaign, spent time talking directly with the people and outworked my opponent because I knew we needed a fighter representing us. Our hard work paid off, and it was an honor to be elected the youngest county commissioner in Alabama.

I look at the United States Senate race today, and I have that same feeling. We need a fighter who will go up to Washington, support President Trump’s agenda, stand up to the socialist Democrats and not give up to the special interests. When I look at the field of candidates running in the Republican primary, the obvious choice is Bradley Byrne.

As you see today in Washington, the Democrats and Doug Jones are not representing the values of people like you and me. We need to reestablish conservative values in Washington, and we do that by electing people who embody the values we believe in. And I firmly believe that Bradley Byrne is the man for the job.

We are witnessing a great injustice today. President Trump continues to the victim of false attacks by radical Democrats and the mainstream media. We have seen before what happens when some people go to Washington without the backbone needed to defend our nation and president. We have had far too many people let our president down in the times where he needed it the most. More than ever, we need a conservative fighter in Washington who will stand with President Trump even when the going gets tough.

We can trust Bradley to be our conservative fighter just like he has fought tooth and nail for President Trump in the middle of this impeachment sham. Bradley rightly called for an investigation into the Bidens, stormed Adam Schiff’s secret hearing room, and has been vehemently opposed to impeaching our president since day one of this unjust impeachment inquiry.

This is why I am endorsing my friend, Bradley Byrne. He has spent a lot of his time traveling with me throughout my rural district in Geneva County. Bradley was born and raised in Alabama, and he understands the issues important to our state. He is a friend to the farmers, he supports investing in our state’s infrastructure, he is 100% pro-life and he has fought hard to bring more good-paying jobs to our state.

Throughout his lifetime, Bradley has never backed down from a challenge and always works to put Alabama and America first. Bradley’s record as a fighter is a strong contrast to a field of candidates who missed their opportunity to fight the liberal agenda or ran away when the going got tough. He has a 97% voting record in support for President Trump’s policy agenda. Bradley Byrne is the Christian conservative Alabama needs in the United States Senate, and I would encourage you to join me in voting for him in the Republican Primary on March 3.

Weston Spivey is serving as Geneva County commissioner

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