If you are looking for parallels to the real world in the walker-infested “The Walking Dead”, you will generally be left unfulfilled. Last night’s episode may have been the exception to that rule. The main bad guys of the last few seasons, The Saviors, required the Scavengers, a group of dump-dwelling broken-English speaking lunatics, to hand over their firearms. They did this under the premise of protecting them, which didn’t really work out for the recently disarmed:
Why this matters: Once disarmed, the Scavengers are immediately killed. There is no talk here about gun safety, hunting, collecting, or shooting sports, there is only a group disarming another under the guise of protecting them and then killing them when they have the chance. This may be why the Saviors, some Democrats, and the Ayatollah have so much in common these days.
No one dares apply the clear solution to the promotion of guns and homicide in America. What's the solution? It's to make guns illegal.
— Khamenei.ir (@khamenei_ir) March 4, 2018
The details:
— The Ayatollah of Iran released a Tweetstorm on American gun control Saturday, calling the government corrupt for not dealing with it by making the ownership of gun illegal.
— During the Green uprising in 2009, protesters called Khamenei a murderer, 110 were killed and thousands were arrested for protesting the Iranian regime.
— 39 percent of Democrats and 21 percent of all Americans want to repeal the 2nd Amendment.
— As the National Rifle Association sees its membership numbers spike, a billboard goes up calling it a terrorist organization.
Dale Jackson hosts a daily radio show from 7-11 a.m. on NewsTalk 770 AM/92.5 FM WVNN and a weekly television show, “Guerrilla Politics,” on WAAY-TV, both in North Alabama. Follow him @TheDaleJackson.