VIDEO: Governor Ivey gets the gas tax increase done, Medicaid expansion deal may be done, Media Matters war on discourse and more on Guerrilla Politics …

Radio talk show host Dale Jackson and Dr. Waymon Burke take you through this week’s biggest political stories, including:

— Is Governor Kay Ivey going to flex her muscles after her big win?

— Did Alabama Democrats cut a deal with Republican leadership to seal the deal and get bipartisan support? What will they get out of it?

— Is Media Matters trying to clean up our discourse or kill it?

Jackson and Burke are joined by House Minority Leader Anthony Daniels (D-Huntsville) to talk about the process and deals that led to the gas tax increase being approved and what comes next for Alabama Democrats.

Jackson closes the show with a “parting shot” directed at Tuscaloosa Mayor Walt Maddox and blaming him for the lack of discussion about the gas tax during the last election.