Video: Doug Jones’ pro-choice beliefs compared with Dem. Rep. Rogers’ viral abortion comments

A new video released on Friday ties pro-choice Sen. Doug Jones (D-AL) to viral abortion remarks made this week by his longtime friend and client, State Rep. John Rogers (D-Birmingham).

Jones has previously voted against banning using federal funds for abortions and even voted against banning late-term abortions.


The video was published by the National Republican Senatorial Committee (NRSC).

Jones’ close association with Rogers has come under scrutiny since Tuesday, with past footage and photos showing that Jones featured Rogers as a key supporter and friend at the center of his election night celebration in 2017.

Jones has distanced himself from Rogers’ remarks and asked him to apologize, but observers of Alabama politics have noted that Rogers has been saying and doing outlandish things for decades.

Jones has defended Rogers against multiple federal public corruption cases going back to 1989 and as recent as 2010. Rogers has never been found guilty of a crime with Jones as his attorney.

Sean Ross is a staff writer for Yellowhammer News. You can follow him on Twitter @sean_yhn