(Video) 5 commonsense steps to get America back on track in 90 seconds

(Video above: Yellowhammer News CEO Cliff Sims lays out 5 commonsense steps to get American back on track)

In The News in 90 Seconds, Yellowhammer takes a complex issue and boils it down into a short video to make it more understandable.

Check out the video above. The transcript of the voiceover is below.

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Hey politicians, you seem to be having a tough time getting the message up there in Washington, so to make it easy, here’s a list of 5 commonsense steps you could immediately take to get America back on the right track.

1. Balance the budget
You tax us our whole lives. Then you tax us when we die. And now you’re effectively taxing Americans who aren’t even born yet. Could anything be more immoral than enslaving future generations to debt that they didn’t create?

2. Achieve energy independence
We’re sitting on more oil and natural gas than we know what to do with, but instead of using it, you’re letting radical environmentalists force America to continue sending money to countries that hate us.

3. Secure the border
How is a country even a country if it doesn’t have a border? Quit picking and choosing which laws you like and enforce them all, including immigration.

4. Repeal ObamaCare
It takes an estimated 80 million man-hours per year just to comply with this monstrosity, and you wonder why the economy isn’t growing?

5. Implement school choice
The U.S. spends more per student than any other country in the world, but still ranks at or below the international average in math and science. Education is the ultimate equalizer, but we’ve got kids who are condemned to receive a poor education just because of their zip code. This is the real civil rights issue of our time. Every parent deserves a choice and every child deserves a chance.

Previous episodes of The News in 90 Seconds:
1. Alabama’s Enviro Invasion
2. Recapping Alabama’s 2014 primary elections in 90 seconds

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