Vice News pits Winston County against the Bronx to show America’s divide on Trump, Mueller

In a video posted Monday that already has approximately 800,000 views, VICE News attempted to show the polarization of the American people when it comes to President Donald Trump and special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into Russia’s interference in the 2016 election cycle.

To do so, the outlet interviewed several residents from Winston County and the Bronx in New York City – about as polar opposites as possible demographically.

Winston County gave Trump his highest electoral margin in the nation in 2016, when the now-president got a staggering 89.4 percent of the vote compared to Hillary Clinton’s paltry 8.5 percent. The Bronx saw a similar margin, just the mirror opposite result: Clinton received 88.7 percent of the vote while Trump garnered 9.6 percent.

Over the course of the almost six-minute video, most of the sentiments were unsurprising partisan soundbites.

For example, one Winston County resident said of Democrats, “I just totally think that they roll over each night in their sleep. They just can’t sleep because of Trump being the president.”

Then, a Democrat from the Bronx remarked that she hoped Trump was removed from the White House because of the Mueller probe.

However, hidden amongst the polarization were notes of common ground, as well as thoughts that crossed party lines.

The Bronx’s Hector Caraballo called the White House “a hot mess,” while complaining that the Mueller probe was a waste of taxpayer money.

However, multiple Winston County Trump voters gave Mueller their votes of confidence.

“Robert Mueller should be able to do his job just so that we as Americans will know the whole truth,” one man opined.

Pam Masdon echoed this, saying, “Mueller is a Republican. I trust him to do the job that he was assigned to do.”

Entire video below:

Sean Ross is a staff writer for Yellowhammer News. You can follow him on Twitter @sean_yhn

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