U.S. Rep. Mo Brooks introduces bill allowing state, local elected officials to deny illegal alien resettlement

Wednesday, U.S. Rep. Mo Brooks (R-Huntsville) announced that he had introduced legislation to empower governors and local elected officials to bar the federal government from resettling illegal aliens in their states and communities.

According to a release, the “Local Control Act” would add language to the Immigration and Nationality Act stating that illegal aliens could not be resettled into a state without the approval of its governor. Additionally, the bill would disallow illegal aliens from being placed into any locality in the state if the local government holds a law barring such resettlement within its jurisdiction.

The North Alabama congressman outlined his disapproval of President Joe Biden’s handling of the border crisis and indicated that the resettling of foreign nationals in American communities could pose a threat to public safety.

“The first duty of any government is to protect its citizens against invaders. I believe in empowering governors and local elected officials to defend their states and communities since Joe Biden has proven incapable or unwilling to do his duty,” stated Brooks. “Reports indicate that illegal aliens are being driven in unmarked white vans and being flown into communities in the dark of night by the Biden Administration.”

Brooks made mention of the federal government’s resettlement of Afghan nationals in Mobile last September as part of the refugee population that fled the Taliban-controlled country following the U.S. military’s withdrawal.

“Recently, unvetted Afghan evacuees were placed in Alabama without any Alabamian’s consent,” he added. “Americans shouldn’t be put at risk of terrorism, illegal alien crime, job losses, wage suppression, or any other number of things by a lawless presidential administration that is dead set on weakening America.”

Brooks’ bill has been endorsed by border security advocacy group the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR).

FAIR president Dan Stein commended Brooks for his introduction of the bill and asserted that the legislation would serve the interests of the American citizenry.

“As the historic crisis on the border continues to worsen, FAIR applauds Representative Mo Brooks’ leadership in assuring that the wishes of the American people are respected by the federal government,” said Stein. “The Local Control Act returns power to the American people by requiring state governors to approve any federal plans to house or resettle illegal aliens in their state. It also gives localities the ability to opt-out of illegal alien resettlement.”

Stein concluded, “Federal funding should not be used to detriment the interests of U.S. citizens and lawful residents, and this bill will ensure that their voices are heard. Remember, the American people are the key stakeholders in when it comes to immigration, and this legislation treats them as such.”

Dylan Smith is a staff writer for Yellowhammer News. You can follow him on Twitter @DylanSmithAL