Trump’s commutation of a drug dealer is nothing more than celebrity worship and more is coming

Remember when Trump wanted to kill drug dealers and people applauded? (I did). Now he is letting them out of prison. Depending on who you listen to, President Donald Trump’s commutation is either a powerful statement about prison reform, an outreach to black voters, or a signal to his collusion co-conspirators that he will get them off the hook if they protect him.

It’s none of that, it is one thing and ONE THING only, celebrity worship.

Why this matters:

One day Trump will not be president, maybe it will be in 2 years or maybe it will be in 15 years, but one day he will be gone. And then the next liberal darling moves into the White House and starts pardoning and commuting random celebrities, ideological allies and criminals. Obama already did this, and guess what, conservatives were not happy.  Trump supporters (and Republicans) will not be able to say anything without being laughed at.

This all goes without pointing out that Trump told us he was the “law and order” president, but maybe he was talking about the TV show.

The details:

— Drug reform is not about users, only 247 people or less than 0.1 percent of the federal prison population was there for possession.

— 94,421 drug traffickers made-up 51.9 percent of federal prisoners.

— President Trump has now commuted or pardoned six people so far, five of them were tied directly to some form of celebrity, only Navy Seamen Kristian Saucier was not a well-known name.

— President Barack Obama pardoned or commuted 1,927 individuals, including Alabama drug dealers who used guns in the commission of their crimes.

@TheDaleJackson is a contributing writer to Yellowhammer News and hosts a conservative talk show from 7-11 am weekdays on WVNN

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Yellowhammer News June 07, 2018