A bizarre story broke on Sunday evening that former Director of the Alabama Department of Economic and Community Affairs Bill Johnson has been living a secret life in New Zealand as a sperm donor for lesbian couples. The Mobile Press Register’s Political Editor George Talbot has the full story here. Johnson, who was also a former Alabama gubernatorial candidate, still has an active website at www.billjohnson.org/. My current favorite line in his bio is, “Johnson’s travels to nearly 50 countries have given him a unique understanding of working with other cultures.” The Twittersphere has been active since the story broke. Some of the top tweets are below.
Johnson said he was not planning to tell his wife about the pregnancies until after the children were born.
— George Talbot (@georgetalbot) December 12, 2011
If you had “artificially inseminated Kiwi lesbians” in the Procreation Methods for Alabama Politicians pool, you win. #ALpolitics
— Taylor Nichols (@taylornichols) December 12, 2011
You know he’s only donating the sperm to get back at Bob Riley for firing him from ADECA. #alpolitics #BillJohnson
— Dave Cockfight (@SexyPreacher58) December 12, 2011
Herman Cain unexpectedly falls to a distant 2nd in the 2011 Craziest-Things-I-Haven’t-Told-My-Wife Challenge #BillJohnson #alpolitics
— Cliff Sims (@Cliff_Sims) December 12, 2011