Tea Party favorite Sen. Scott Beason (R-Gardendale) announced this morning that he is endorsing Gary Palmer in his bid to become the next U.S. Representative for Alabama’s 6th Congressional District. Beason also ran for the seat in the Republican primary, but did not make it into the runoff with Palmer and state representative Paul DeMarco (R-Homewood).
“Because of my time in the Legislature, I have known Gary Palmer for years and have always appreciated his ability to bring new ideas and solutions to the table,” said Beason. “Anyone who watches a debate or forum will quickly realize that Gary understands the important issues and his willingness to actually take a position on those issues makes him the only one prepared to lead in Washington.”
RELATED: 6th Congressional District debate turns into Beatdown at the Ballpark
“Gary and I hold the same conservative principles,” Beason continued. “He is tough enough to have a real impact in Washington.”
The Palmer campaign said in a statement that Beason’s endorsement of Palmer was a natural fit because both of their primary campaigns focused on the “fact that the federal government doesn’t have a revenue problem, it has a spending problem.”
“Our nation desperately needs leaders who are willing to stand up and make the tough choices – willing to do what needs to be done to get our nation’s spending under control, get our economy growing again and create good jobs for American workers,” said Palmer.
The 6ht Congressional District runoff is scheduled for July 15th. Turnout is expected to be historically low, making the outcome especially hard to predict.
RELATED: NRA endorses DeMarco, Brooke backs Palmer
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