MONTGOMERY – Today, legislators in the Alabama Senate passed HB 436, a bill that would create a special tax free weekend for disaster preparedness items in July.
The bill comes in the wake of the terrible storms that ravaged the state last april. This bill will encourage Alabamians to prepare themselves for the future, according to Sen. Greg Reed (R-Jasper), the bills sponsor in the senate.
“Last April, we saw unparalleled destruction across this state. While our citizens are rebuilding their lives, we want to give them every opportunity to prepare themselves for the next time a storm hits,” Reed said. “This disaster preparedness tax free weekend not only gives our citizens a chance to prepare for storms, but will provide an economic boost to Alabama businesses.”
Reed thanked his colleagues in the senate for passing the bill and Rep. Bill Poole (R-Tuscaloosa), the house sponsor of the bill.
“I want to thank Representative Poole for his hard work on this legislation. I’m so proud that we are able to provide this weekend for Alabamians. Alabama experienced one of the worst disasters the state has seen last year; this weekend is going to help Alabamians weather the storm.”
The tax free weekend will occur July 6-8 and the last full weekend in February in subsequent years. Items covered include batteries, cellphone chargers, portable radios, waterproof sheeting, generators, bungee chords, duct tape, non-electric food storage, and various other disaster preparedness items.
The bill now goes to the governor for his signature.