Founded by Dennis Prager and Allen Estrin, Prager University has produced short and informative videos that have grasped the attention of individuals across the country for the last eight years.
Prager University’s latest installment featuring Candace Owens, the Director of Urban Development for Turning Point USA, is sending a bold message to the elite in Hollywood. The video, titled Dear Celebrities: No One Cares What You Think, reminds celebrities of how unaffected they are to real world problems.
The video opens with Owens saying, “Dear Celebrities, I’m sorry to be the one to have to break this to you, but we do not care, not in the slightest particle of an imaginary thing, what you think.”
Not only does she hit the nail on the head, but Owens’ exact words can be heard from the mouths of so many Americans, from both the right and the left. Celebrities are not to be worshipped for their political thought.
Can celebrities be activists? Of course. Should celebrities cast stones at those that do not agree with their ideology? They certainly should not.
Not only do celebrities alienate a part of their fan-base by indulging in political issues, they cast an entire shadow on all of Hollywood. A toxic shadow that spreads like wildfire that America had rather not be forced to observe. We wish to escape the real world when we attend a sporting event, a concert, or watch a movie. We, as Americans, look to celebrities for entertainment and leisure, nothing more.
Owens continues, “If this surprises you, I understand. Because, let’s be fair: We play an important role in your delusion. We camp out for days to buy tickets to your sold-out shows, then shout for you to reach down from the stage to touch our hands.”
Owens is right. All of us have played into the political culture in Hollywood. We are the reason that they have placed themselves upon such a high pedestal and positioned themselves to bark at the American people who disagree with what they have to say.
We have witnessed a steady decline in ratings of award shows, much like the Academy Awards on Sunday which were down 19 percent from the previous year with 26.5 million viewers. With a steady decline in ratings, you would think that Hollywood would understand that much of their messaging is not well-received.
“I suppose it’s easy to believe that after all the adulation, all the fan mail and all the magazine covers, you may have actually come to believe that we care what you think,” says Owens. “But you’re wrong. Nobody cares what you think.”
“Well, maybe your mother and your therapist do, but we don’t … not even a little,” says Owens.
Not only does this video signal that America is awakening to the dangers of Hollywood, it signals that we will no longer stand for it. No longer will Hollywood lecture us on what is “right” and “wrong” in America. Hollywood is largely comprised of hypocrites, liars, gun control advocates, pedophiles, and pro-abortion activists. And they expect us to listen to them when it comes to taking morally important stances?
I don’t think so.
Kyle Morris is a senior at the University of Alabama and a Yellowhammer News contributor. He also writes for The Daily Caller.
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