Well, this will raise some eyebrows.
Republican Sixth Congressional District candidate Dr. Chad Mathis will announce this morning that he raised over $350,000 in the first fundraising period, which concluded Dec. 31.
Here are some key takeaways the Mathis campaign gleaned from their report and shared exclusively with Yellowhammer News:
• The Mathis campaign raised $356,097.82 in the quarter and currently has $305,177.15 cash-on-hand
• 84% of the money raised came from the inside the state of Alabama
• Doctors made up 22% of contributions
• Congressmen Andy Harris, M.D. (R-MD) and Congressmen Phil Roe, M.D. (R-TN) both contributed $1,000.00 from their Congressional campaign accounts
Mathis has garnered some early support from grassroots activists and tea party-affiliated groups, including The Madison Project and FreedomWorks. But today’s fundraising report is a much stronger showing than most people expected.
One of Mathis’ rivals, Gary Palmer, pulled in $250,000 in the first period. The other candidates have not yet released their numbers and are not required to do so until the end of the month.
“Thanks in large part to the generosity of friends, family and supporters who have contributed to our campaign, I feel we are on our way to victory,” Mathis said. “Starting the first quarter or 2014 with more than $305,000.00 cash-on-hand shows the strength of this campaign.”
A spokesperson for Dr. Mathis said they were not able to tell how much money Dr. Mathis has loaned his campaign at this point, but said that “Chad was one the more than 240 contributors to his campaign.”
Mathis is expected to be the first candidate to officially qualify for the race Monday morning. He is running to succeed Rep. Spencer Bachus, R-Vestavia Hills, who is not seeking another term.
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