Hillary Clinton’s plan to admit 65,000 refugees from Syria next year is radical and places America at great risk. Her goal is disconnected from reality. This surge would be nearly 40 times the number of Syrian refugees entering the country last year, and six times the number President Obama admits this year.
The proof is in.
Terrorists are getting into the United States posing as refugees. Our own government officials tell us there is no way to vet these individuals. Indeed, terrorism charges or convictions against refugees have increased steadily each of the last three years, totaling at least 18. This wipes out the argument that refugees don’t commit terrorism crimes.
The stunning and extreme nature of Hillary Clinton’s planned refugee increases cannot be ignored. These huge increases will result in more terrorism against the United States.
RELATED: Sessions-led committee estimates Hillary’s refugee plan would cost a jaw-dropping $400B
Further, Hillary Clinton ignores or dismisses the large financial cost of these increases. Assuming that her first year refugee increase total remains at that level for a four-year term, that would mean the admission of 620,000 refugees from all sources. These refugees would create a lifetime cost on the United States economy, according to an estimate by Robert Rector of the Heritage Foundation, of over $400 billion.
These numbers do not count asylees, who are like refugees, except they present themselves in the United States requesting asylum. This would add likely another 100,000 to the 620,000 total over her first term.
These are costs that our country will bear for welfare, food stamps, healthcare, housing, schooling, and other entitlement benefits. Refugees and asylees are given access to the various government assistance programs after only one year, while normal immigrants must wait for five years.
It is time for the media to ask Hillary Clinton directly about these issues. She makes promises for short term political gain while ignoring the security risks and the financial costs her irresponsible promises will cause to fall on our country in the future. A full and open discussion of this disastrous policy proposal is an essential part of a healthy political process. It is past time for a diligent media to do its part and demand an explanation.
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Jeff Sessions represents the State of Alabama in the United States Senate