Senate Dems Throw Hissy Fit, Cost Taxpayers Tens of Thousands in the Process

Alabama State Senator Marc Keahey Yellowhammer Politics
Sen. Keahey

Progress in the Senate hit a brick wall on Monday evening as Democrats threw a hissy fit over…well… being in the minority. Senate Republicans allowed Democrats to offer substitute redistricting maps and brought each subsitute up for a vote rather than tabling them. They did not have to do this as they had plenty of votes to end debate and pass their plan. But once each Democrat map had come up for a vote and failed, the Democrats began using stalling tactics. Eventually, Senate Republicans moved for a final vote.

This apparently proved to be more than Democrat Senator Marc Keahey could stand. In a classic sore-loser-move, Senator Keahey invoked a Senate rule that allows any Senator to request a bill be read at length before final passage. So for the next 15+ hours, Senators will be listening to this: Click Here to listen to the Senate Autoreader

There is chance the same could be done before passage of the House maps. Reading of that plan would take an estimated 34 hours. Your taxpayer dollars at work, folks.

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