A southern amusement park is changing a 40-year-old roller coaster’s name, likely because of its link to the Confederacy, according to a Sunday report.
Kings Dominion is changing the name of its “Rebel Yell” roller coaster to “Racer 75,” reported The Roanoke Times. The roller coaster’s former name represents the cry Confederate soldiers made when attacking Union troops during the Civil War.
When asked directly whether Kings Dominion was changing the ride’s name as part of the national trend away from Confederate symbols, a park representative evaded the question.
“We’re constantly evaluating elements of the park and we plan updates in existing areas when we invest in new products in the vicinity,” Katelyn Sherwood, public relations manager for the amusement park, told The Roanoke Times. “Our new multimillion-dollar hybrid coaster, Twisted Timbers, is the centerpiece investment in this section of the Candy Apple Grove area.”
Rebel Yell’s new name, Racer 75, reflects the year during which Kings Dominion introduced the ride into the park — 1975, the same year the park opened — as well as the American Coaster Enthusiasts group via the “ace” in its new name.
“We’re disappointed that they are falling in step with the political correctness bandwagon,” said Edwin Ray, the first lieutenant commander for the Virginia chapter of Sons of Confederate Veterans, according to The Roanoke Times. “It’s difficult to overcome all of this. Change for the sake of change is frustrating.”
The Daily Caller News Foundation reached out to Kings Dominion, but received no comment in time for press.
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