WASHINGTON — Alabama Congressman Mike Rogers (R-AL3) on Thursday said he fears the Obama administration’s decision to cut a climate change deal with China will have a profoundly negative impact on his home state.
Earlier this week, President Obama and Chinese President Xi Jinping agreed to new restraints on carbon emissions, immediately adding more stringent regulations to American businesses while not requiring the Chinese to make any emissions reductions until 2030.
Sen. Sessions said the Chinese got the better of the Americans and now have a “huge economic advantage” going forward.
Rep. Rogers brought the issue even closer to home, estimating that the deal will mean the loss of Alabama jobs and an increase in energy prices for Alabama consumers.
“President Obama’s plan could put thousands of jobs on the line in Alabama’s coal industry,” Rogers said. “The president’s latest agreement with China could further hurt our state’s economy, destroy more of these good-paying jobs and increase energy rates for working families and small businesses. This agreement forces the U.S. into draconian cuts while China is asked to do almost nothing for the next 16 years. President Obama needs to focus his efforts on policies that help create jobs and work with Republicans in the United States Congress instead of the Communist government in China. This recent agreement with China is just not good for Alabama.”
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