Roby: Why our teachers make a difference

Earlier this month, we celebrated World Teachers’ Day – a day dedicated to showing gratitude to all of our wonderful educators. As students have learned to adapt to new methods of schooling as a result of the Coronavirus pandemic, teachers have worked overtime to ensure their students continue to receive a proper and meaningful education. Our educators play a significant role in the lives of our children, expanding their knowledge and abilities and preparing them for the future.

A solid education has the power to change a life. Educators show up to their classrooms each morning motivated to impact their students. Teachers are some of the best role models for our children giving them purpose, setting them up for success, and inspiring them to do well.

Not only is a good education important for the individual student, but access to education affects the world around us. The education of our youth is vital to the growth and development of our communities as well as the prosperity of our nation. Giving students the opportunity to learn provides skills that are needed to compete in the global marketplace. Knowledge is a powerful tool that changes the world around us for the better.

Our local schools throughout this pandemic have certainly demonstrated their ability to make their own decisions regarding the education and well-being of their students and faculty. The Alabama State Department of Educationand the Alabama Department of Public Health have provided resourceful information regarding the return to school in the 2020-2021 school year.

Although World Teachers’ Day has passed, I encourage you to communicate your appreciation to any teachers who have impacted you and your children. These are surely challenging times for all, but especially for our teachers. Though my words cannot express the admiration I have for all of the incredible teachers across our state and country, I would like to give a special thank you to each and every educator for your passion and hard work.

Martha Roby represents Alabama’s Second Congressional District. She lives in Montgomery, Alabama, with her husband Riley and their two children.

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