Roby to give Weekly Republican Address to national audience

Representative Martha Roby has been tapped to give the Weekly Republican Address, in which she will discuss the looming “sequester” military cuts and call on President Obama and the Senate to join House efforts to replace the sequester with more reasonable spending reductions. Rep. Roby’s comments will broadcast nationally over the weekend.

The Weekly Republican Address features a different House Member or Senator each week who outlines the Republican vision on topical issues. This week, in response to the State of the Union address, in which President Obama admitted the sequester cuts were a “bad idea,” Rep. Roby will invite the President to work with House Republicans to find an alternative.

“Threatening these devastating sequester military cuts was President Obama’s idea in the first place,” Rep Roby said. “That matters – not because of who should get the blame – but because of who should be leading the effort to solve this problem. I appreciate the opportunity to speak on behalf of my fellow House and Senate Republicans and convey to the American People our plan to replace the President’s sequester with smarter, more responsible spending cuts.”

Rep. Roby says she voted against the Budget Control Act, the legislation which created the sequester, because she feared exactly what is happening now. She believes there is a smarter way to cut spending than slashing the military budget. In the address, Rep. Roby will mention Fort Rucker, Alabama, as an example of how the sequester will harm military readiness.

The address will first debut online Saturday morning at, then be aired nationally Sunday by NBC stations on an affiliate basis. Check local listings for details.

UPDATE: A video of Rep. Roby’s weekly GOP address can be seen below:

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Cliff Sims February 15, 2013