Rep. Martha Roby in 140 Characters or Less

“…In 140 Characters or Less” is a new feature on Yellowhammer Politics. We’ll be interviewing politicians, insiders, activists and other notable figures — with the catch being that their answers must be in 140 characters or less. When possible, we conduct the interviews in real-time on Twitter — then post them on YH when they’re complete. (Follow us on Twitter)

Today, we tweeted with U.S. Rep. Martha Roby from Alabama’s 2nd Congressional District. We discussed Romney’s candidacy, legislating in a GOP-controlled House while there’s a Democrat-controlled White House & Senate, what it’s like for a freshmen in the U.S. House, the Bush tax cuts, & more.

Roby was elected to her first time in the House in 2010 when she beat incumbent Democrat Bobby Bright by just under 5,000 votes. She now serves on the Committees on Agriculture, Armes Services, and Education and the Workforce.

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