Presidential hopeful Kamala Harris slams Alabama abortion ban — These folks ‘couldn’t care less’ after baby is born

Senator Kamala Harris (D-CA), one of many announced running for the Democratic presidential nomination in 2020, told Planned Parenthood supporters at an event last week that the people in Alabama who passed the Human Life Protection Act “couldn’t care less” about the babies they claim to protect.

“In this fight, we know we are on the side of right, ” Harris said, according to

“Those folks down in Alabama who are doing this, these are the same folks who, by the time that baby is born, they couldn’t care less,” she continued, as she addressed a crowd at the California Democrat Convention. “What are they doing to support that mother and what she needs in terms of prenatal help? They’re not doing a thing, but they’re trying to tell women what to do with their bodies. We’re going to tell them a thing or two.”

Despite Harris’ remarks, Alabama set a new record in fiscal year 2018 for the number of children adopted from the state foster care system and into permanent homes.

Announced by Alabama Gov. Kay Ivey, 710 foster children in the state had been adopted during the 2018 fiscal year that ended September 30, an increase from 509 in fiscal year 2017 and 502 in 2016, according to the Alabama Department of Human Resources (DHR).

Rep. Bradley Byrne (R-Fairhope) reacted to Harris’ remarks, saying she should focus on problems within her own state.

“I’m sick of out-of-state liberal elitists trying to lecture us here in Alabama. I’m proud our state is leading the fight to protect the unborn, and we don’t need liberal politicians like Senator Harris telling us how to run our state or what to believe,” Byrne told Yellowhammer News. “Instead of launching attacks on our state, these liberal elites should take care of the very serious issues in their own backyards and leave Alabama alone.”

Kyle Morris also contributes daily to Breitbart News. You can follow him on Twitter @RealKyleMorris.

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